4 steps to rid your makeup of unwanted bacteria

We have time on our hands, how can we put it to good use? I am sure every window has been cleaned every cupboard cleared out and every cake baked! What about the other things we over-look, such as your makeup bag? It is a daily feature within our lives but sadly doesn’t get half the attention it should. Well now is the time! Let’s open it up, get it all out and have a MAKEUP CLEAN UP!

  1. Firstly, empty the entire contents of your makeup bag so you can see exactly what you’re working with. The aim of the game; clear out, clean up and organise!
  2. Look at all the makeup items you have. Do you use them all? Do you need them all? Bin any items that are old and out of date, this isn’t good for your skin. We all have the random items we ‘might use one day’ that have now realistically been sat at the bottom collecting dust and bacteria for years, chuck um! All the old items that are broken and crushed and were on their last legs 6 months ago, chuck um!
  3. Then look at the items that are still in date and in good condition, but you never use and realistically never will. Recycle? Give them to a family member or a friend (social distance depending) that you know will use them.
  4. Now you should be left with all your essential makeup items that you use daily or weekly, and now we welcome the anti-bac! Bacteria is not our friend and you will be amazed at just how much will be living in your makeup bag and on your makeup tools. We can improve this with a simple clean! This should be carried out monthly to keep your tools in good condition and the bacteria levels as low as they can be. Using a hot damp cloth with some anti-bacterial spray is good enough to get things cleaned up. You can get various anti-bacterial wipes you may find easier to use. To clean your brushes you just need some shampoo. Wet the end of the brush and drop a small dollop of shampoo on the end. Rub this in really getting into the bristles, I am always shocked at how much foundation and excess makeup comes off when washing my brushes! You will see this wash away (and with it all the bacteria we don’t want!) Keep going until the water runs clear. Lastly look at where you keep your makeup, is the bag starting to look grubby? If you’re being honest and it is past the point of no return, chuck it! Get a new one. If not give it a good wipe out, or you can always put it through the washing machine?

Now you should have a very happy clean makeup collection! Bacteria is not our friend and we need to keep our makeup clean and bacteria free, for the sake of your skin and your wallet! Get in to the routine of cleaning your makeup regularly and have healthy, happy skin!

Survival Guide; Skin, Hair & All Things Aesthetics

There is no getting around the fact that we all find ourselves unable to continue and maintain our usual skin, hair and anti-ageing routine. In-clinic treatments are unable to go ahead and this will have short-term consequences. But, what can we do in the mean time? Here is our survival guide to help you maintain your usual maintenance and treatments as best you can from home.


    If you were in the middle of any IPL or laser hair removal treatment, this enforced break will be proving difficult. The best thing you can do, is not pluck, shave or wax the hairs while at home. Only trim them back to the skin using scissors. We understand this will be difficult for some to do, but this is the best option to avoid stalling your in-clinic treatment or going backwards. By shaving, plucking or waxing, you will be stimulating the hair follicle and this will in turn cause it to grow back thicker, courser and more dense. So if you can, trim the hair only until you can resume your in-clinic hair removal treatments.
    In-clinic skin treatments assist thousands of you to help manage and keep at bay skin conditions such as acne, Rosacea, dry and oily skin. With in-clinic treatments missing, you can only ramp up your skin care at home and be thoughtful in your at-home skin maintenance. So what can you do? Think about what you put in your body. Food and drink play a huge part in your skin health and cause breakouts and reactions. Make use of the down time to get on track with your retinol products. Retinols can initially cause actions in the skin such as dryness and this can often put people of using retinols. Once your skin adjusts to the retinol the dryness will stop and you will only see improvements to your overall skin conditions. Retinols are powerful and are the best tool in the fight against anti-ageing. So, use this time to get on track with your retinol so you get to daily use. As well as this you can adjust your skincare to what your skin is telling you now. Alternate products or introduce some exfoliation, you can order all AlumierMD products online through our online portal.
    So many of us rely on our eyebrows being maintained by professionals with monthly waxing, threading or even tattooing treatments. While at home you can do your best to maintain your brows by plucking away the extra growth, in keeping with your shape. Pluck the hairs with the hair growth, not against them. When finished plucking brush through the brows and be proud of the grand work you have done! Regular plucking will help keep your brows in shape until you can go back to salon treatments, but be careful not to over pluck! Always air on the side of caution rather than go to far and take away too much hair.


You don’t have to lose out completely and can do what you can to maintain your usual routines while at home. Keep up-to-date and stay connected with us by following us on our social media platforms, just search for Karma House Clinic.

Lockdown your Skincare during Lockdown

Lockdown your Skin Health

During this time of change we are all facing new challenges every day, some big and some small. One of these challenges if not already, may be your skincare. Other things will start to have an impact on your skincare routine that wouldn’t normally.

  • Budget; are you unsure if you can replenish your products as you would normally?
  • Daily routine; in lockdown our daily lives have changed, no daily sweaty gym class?
  • Diet; lockdown diet is going to be a little different to our usual eating habits.

All of these things have the potential to have a huge impact on your skin. We never under-appreciate the importance of good skin care to ensure good skin health is maintained. Good skin health results in good mental health. We see the negative impact serious skin conditions can have on your well-being every day with conditions such as acne and Rosacea taking over people’s lives. But, with the right education and skin care routine these can be managed and good skin health achieved. That is why we want to help make sure you can manage and get the absolute most out of your skincare while in lockdown!


So what can we do? We can LISTEN to our skin. The adaption we are all experiencing will have an effect on your skin health, and it will talk to you through your skin.

  • LOOK: look and feel; is your skin dry? Is it oily? Is it both? Do you have new spots?
  • LISTEN & THINK: what changes can you see and how will this affect your skincare routine? If you are home all day and the heating is now turned back on, this will dry your skin out. If you used to have a daily sweaty gym session with lots of sweat and forehead rubbing, this could have been the cause to your spots, are these clearing up a little? Or do you not normally have spotty skin but have spots appearing?
  • ADJUST: if you are drying out; ditch the exfoliation and up the moisturising. If you are less spotty because of no gym workouts, reduce your acne serum to every other day instead of every day. If you are more spotty than usual, be gentle with your skin and think why? Diet and alcohol will play a big part in this, it is hard not to comfort eat and drink in lockdown but maybe be a little more conscious on the effect this will have on your skin.  If your budget is smaller than before, stretch out your application as much as your skin can afford to do so. Instead of using your moisturiser and serum both morning and night, use the moisturiser in the morning and the serum at night.

With a little extra care and some adjustment you can really make sure you get the best for your skin and your skincare routine, both for your skin health and your budget.

Replenish your products

If you do need to replenish any products you can do this online during the clinics closure, these will be delivered straight to your home and all deliveries over £50 are FREE!

Stay tuned with the clinic throughout lock-down by following us on social, we post on Facebook and Instagram and will be sharing tips and advice, important announcements as well as just staying in touch with all of our fabulous clients!

Important News – Business Closure for COVID-19

We will be closing our doors with immediate effect

It is with heartfelt regret yet strong solidarity that we must announce the temporary closure of Karma House Clinic due to the COVID-19 virus outbreak. As you are all aware, this epidemic challenges us all and something we did not see coming. We will be closing down until the time comes when we can all start to re-build and get back on our feet, as a country. Our current plan is to re-open for the 1st May, but this will be governed by the ongoing situation and we will keep you updated as this progresses.


What happens now?

Step 1: Moving of appointments
For any of you who have booked appointments within the month of April, we will be calling you within the next coming days to move these bookings. We will be re-booking these from the 1st May with the hope to re-open on this date, however this will be assessed as the situation develops.

Step 2: Assessing the situation
At the end of April, we will know if we will be able to re-open on the 1st May, or if this will be pushed back to the 1st June. At this time, we will manage all booked appointments for May, and should they need to be moved, you will be contacted for this to happen, and re-booked from 1st June.

*Restocking your Skincare Products: Should you run out of any skincare products during our period of closure you can order these online for delivery straight to your doorstep.

As a business, as a country, and as individuals, we will all be striving to beat this epidemic and get back on our feet. When the business is able to re-open, we will ensure this is communicated to you with plenty of notice. We will rejoice together as our staff members can return to work, our clients can re-start their treatments and our business can continue to operate, grow and evolve. We promise to come back with lots of exciting and forward thinking news! We will be bigger and better! We will use strength and determination in the face of uncertainty and we can’t wait to deliver this to you!

On a personal note from all at Karma House Clinic, we thank you for your continued support and loyalty. These are unprecedented times we all face, and we will face them together. At this time, we can only do the right thing and work together to beat the virus, support those fighting hard to do so and rally around each other as much as we can. We will come out the other side of this, but until that point we must all take accountability within the fight against COVID-19. We wish you and your loved ones well and hope you can all stay safe and secure throughout. Best Wishes from Caron Vetter all at Karma House Clinic.




Steps to help you – Coronavirus update

New measures in place to help continue as best we can

As we continue to operate and strive to provide our service to you for as long as we can, while working safely and ethically, we have taken some more steps as to how we can help in this difficult time. Again, before we go any further, we would like to reassure you all that we are striving to keep our clinic as a safe environment to visit and we are following all World Health Organisation and Government guidelines.

Online Retail Shopping – we can deliver to you

For those who are in need of replenishing their stock we can help. You do not have to come into clinic to do this, we have two options for you;

  1. AlumierMD Online Portal. The portal provides a secure and personalised shopping experience for you. You simply log in, order your products, and they will be delivered straight to your doorstep. The postage is free for any orders over £50 and delivery is usually within 1-2 working days. The portal is in partnership with Karma House Clinic, so you are still receiving your products from us. To sign up for the portal, we simply need your email address and name to send you the link. Please call reception on 01296 614441 to request a portal link to be sent.
  2. Telephone Orders. We are still open and whilst we are, we can take any retail orders and payments over the phone, and directly post your products to your doorstep. We will be wavering our flat rate £1.50 package and postage fee and will aim to deliver all products within 2-4 working days.

Consultation & Review Bookings

If you have any upcoming Consultation or Review appointments booked in, we can offer to do these remotely, so you do not have to come into clinic. Using either Zoom or Facetime, we can still provide this service, while eliminating any risk of unnecessary contact. If you have a Consultation or Review appointment booked in and would like to have this performed remotely, please call our reception team on 01296 614441, prior to your booked appointment time to arrange this.


We are now screening all staff members daily, to ensure any possible symptoms or cross-infections are highlighted and dealt with in line with all advise currently in place. Any staff members deemed not fit to be in work or need to self-isolate will no longer be coming into clinic.


As we all continue through this difficult time together, our number one concern is our clients and the service we provide to you, our staff members, and the overall health and well-being of the world. We will continue to maintain the strict sanitation of the clinic and up-date you daily.

In the mean time, through the adversity, keep smiling.

Covid 19 – A message from the Director

Business as usual until further notice

As you are all aware, we are currently in the middle of an unprecedented pandemic that none of us are able to control or predict. I would firstly like to say I hope you and yours are keeping fit and well.

The COVID-19 virus is now something we all have to sit up and take notice of. We all have a duty of care to help prevent and stop the spread of this virus, whilst carrying on with life the best way we can.

Karma House Clinic will remain open until further notice, as we continue to follow all guidelines and instruction from the World Health Organisation and the Government.

I would just like to take the opportunity to reassure all of our clients, and staff alike, that we are and will continue to take the cleanliness, hygiene and sanitation of the clinic and all of our facilities very seriously. Here are a few steps we have introduced and continue to follow.


Education on Prevention

Keeping up-to-date with the government and world health organisation’s advise and guidelines is key. We are being led by others and we will continue to ensure that this is communicated to all staff as the virus develops.

Increased Cleaning and Deep Sanitation

A heightened cleaning regime has been adopted by all within the clinic. We are disinfecting and sanitizing the clinic regularly, including all work surfaces and door handles.

Hand Sanitisers

Hand sanitiser is available for all clients to use upon arriving and leaving the clinic at reception. All staff have been provided with their own hand sanitiser in all treatment rooms.

Reduced Physical Contact

A warm welcome is always given when you visit Karma House Clinic, however, in light of the virus we are advising against any unnecessary physical contact. Gloves will be worn during treatment as well as any other personal protective wear such as face masks and aprons.


Panic is not needed. But common sense is. Please continue to keep your booked or planned appointments as we continue to operate as normal. Should we be advised or ordered to change the way we operate we will of course let all our clients and staff know as this develops #staysafe

Best Wishes,

Caron Vetter


Skin Pen for Anti-Ageing and Skin Rejuvenation

Skin Pen Skin Needling – What is it?

Skin Pen organically stimulates the skin’s natural ability to repair itself. As we age the natural architecture of our skin deteriorates. This deterioration leads to fine lines, wrinkles, large pores and uneven skin texture. Skin Pen comfortably creates thousands of controlled micro-injuries into the skin to trigger the body’s natural wound healing process. This process results in the formation and remodeling of Collagen, which supports the underlying tissue.

The result is more youthful, smoother and tighter looking skin.

What can you expect from your Skin Pen Micro-Needling procedure?

  • A comfortable experience
  • A short procedure time, approximately 30 minutes
  • A plan for optimal results, typically 1-3 procedures
  • Mild post-procedure effects, similar to a mild to moderate sunburn
  • Effective on all body parts including face, neck and decolletage
  • Safe for all skin types, light to dark
  • Ideal for any time of the year
  • Quick 48 recovery time. Little to no downtime
  • Beautiful, long lasting results


Why would you choose Skin Pen?

Skin Pen skin-needling is a great versatile treatment that can treat and help with many skin complaints and anti-ageing concerns. With the treatment of Skin Pen you can see results and improvement for the following:

  • Scarring, including pitted acne scarring
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Loss of collagen and elastin
  • Open Pores
  • Overall poor skin complexion

Skin Pen can be used on other parts of the body as well as the face. For example, body scarring or ageing necks.


Skin Pen Micro-Needling – The Treatment

To learn more about Skin Pen Micro-Needling book in for treatment or a Free Consultation. You can do this by calling our friendly reception team on 01296 614441 or you can book online today

Hands; Skincare & Anti-Ageing

Anti-Ageing Hand Treatments


When it comes to effective skin care, our hands are often sadly neglected. It is important to look after your hands as they are always exposed to the elements and have to fend of unwanted extremities daily. They are always on show yet can often be a sure sign to a women or man’s real age, with pigmentation spots, dry crapey skin and total loss of elasticity! Surely with our hands playing such a pivotal role in our day to day life, and being seen by everybody, they should take more of a priority when it comes to anti-ageing and skin health?

There are some simple things you can do to help look after your hands such as applying hand cream and having regular manicures. But, at Karma House Clinic we are able to help on that next level, and improve the appearance, texture and health of your hands. We have anti-ageing treatments specifically designed to address issues such as pigmentation, loss of elasticity and dryness.

One of the treatments available is IPL (Intense Pulsed Light). This treatment can treat and remove pigmentation; brown spots often found on the hands as a result of sun damage. It can also help with red discoloration and seborrheic keratosis on the backs of hands.

Another popular treatment for hand anti-ageing is Profhilo. Profhilo is a form of hyaluronic acid filler and skin booster combined. This treatment delivers hyaluronic acid via a small syringe into the skin on the back of the hands. The gel like formula spreads beneath the skin like honey, stimulating collagen and elastin and provides instant smoother, glowing skin as it smooths fine lines and wrinkles.

Lastly we have collagen infused hand therapy, another popular treatment by many for the hands. This duel layered anti-ageing treatment glove combines marine collagen and fruit extracts to nourish and deeply moisture the hands.


profhilo hand treatmentTreatment Options

You can have any of the above treatments on their own or as part of a package. Taking the treatments on their own will deliver the powerful anti-ageing results wanted, while the package will ensure longer lasting results with a more visible difference.

To book in for any of the above treatments or for your FREE Consultation you can book online or call 01296 614441 and speak to our friendly reception team.


Colour-Boost your Semi-Permanent Makeup / Cosmetic Tattooing

Colour-Boost your Semi-Permanent Makeup / Cosmetic Tattooing

Semi-Permanent Makeup is a form of tattooing, commonly known as Cosmetic Tattooing. Although still a tattoo, it is different from the permanent tattoos we have for decoration. Permanent tattoos use ink, while cosmetic tattooing uses pigment, meaning it will start to breakdown and fade away over time.

The use of pigments does mean you need to have regular colour-boosts in order to keep your cosmetic tattooing vivid and fresh. As well as time other factors such as sunshine and the chlorine in swimming pools will all start to breakdown the pigment over time. A colour-boost will ensure your cosmetic tattooing stays vivid and renewed at all times!

So, how does a colour-boost work?

To qualify for a colour-boost, it needs to be taken 12-18 months from your last treatment, whether your last treatment was a new set or a previous colour-boost. If you go more than 18 months without treatment, you will need to have a new set again, with the two appointments 4-6 weeks apart.

A ‘New set’: Full treatment carried out in two stages, 4-6 weeks apart. Cost; Eyebrows £350, Eyeliner £250-£350, Lip Colour from £400

A ‘Colour-Boost’: A re-fresh treatment carried out in one sitting. Cost; £175


Why can’t a colour-boost be carried out over 18 months?

If you try and complete a colour-boost on any semi-permanent makeup that was last treated over 18 months ago, the pigment will not take and will heal faded and patchy. One treatment (a colour-boost) is not enough to complete the process on pigment that is over 18 months old.

So, to get the best from your cosmetic tattooing you need to book in for your colour-boost every 12-18 months. This will ensure your tattooing is kept vibrant and vivid at all times and is more cost-effective! Anything over 18 months, will need to be booked as a new set at full price to ensure the results needed can be achieved.

To book your colour-boost visit www.karmahouse.co.uk or call 01296 614441.

WOW Facial Treatment Review: November 2019


I had the WOW facial last week with Elyssa at Karma House Clinic and was so impressed with the results. I don’t have sensitive skin and would say my skin would be described as combination skin.

There were 6 stages to the treatment with stage 2 Dermaplaning feeling like the most vigorous stage.  The best thing about this facial is that all the way through you feel like your skin is actually being treated and not just cleansed and moisturised.  The third part of the facial is the WOW Fusion part where you are informed that a cocktail has been made specifically for your skin.  Every ingredient is explained to you and you begin to feel and sense that this facial is a little bit special.

LED Light Therapy, a WOW mask and Finish and Protect complete the luxurious 75-minute facial. This facial is not uncomfortable however it is also not a sit back and relax facial. Your skin is being worked on and you feel this throughout and that’s what I loved about this facial.

 Once my facial was complete I already had a serious glow to my skin and I felt as though my skin had been deep cleaned within an inch of its life! I can’t describe just how clean it felt and not to mention silky smooth.  A week since having the facial my skin feels amazing and I have had many compliments.  I can’t recommend this facial enough and if booked before Christmas there is a special offer on until the end of December.

This Christmas I feel my skin will have an extra glow and I will be asking for a voucher from my husband to have another one next year it’s that good!  Thank you, Elyssa and Karma House Clinic for your excellent treatment and customer service, its first class.



From Karma House Clinic: The WOW Facial is a luxurious 75-minute treatment that leaves your skin looking and feeling a million dollars. This is the perfect pre-party treatment with long-lasting results. We have a special offer running on the WOW Facial for the whole of November and December; £149 instead of £199! To book call our friendly reception team on 01296 614441 or you can book online at www.karmahouse.co.uk



WOW Facial

WOW Facial

The WOW facial is a revolutionary luxurious facial that combines 6 stages of the most advanced skincare technologies.

After having a WOW facial your skin will be left glowing, with immediate results that are long-lasting. This facial leaves you with healthy and luminous skin, using targeted treatments that not only deliver the results but feel amazing!

What is a WOW facial?

The WOW facial follows 6 stages of treatments:

1.Cleanse & Resurface
The specially formulated AHA cleanser will remove any sign of makeup and residue on the skin while starting the exfoliation process as it prepares the skin for the resurfacing peels. There are four resurfacing peels to choose from within the WOW facial and together you and your practitioner will choose the ideal one for your skin type, making the WOW facial a truly bespoke treatment.


Dermaplaning treatment works by gently and superficially removing the dead skin cells sitting on the very surface of your skin, along with any peach fuzz growing! This action alone reveals a youthful glowing skin and allows deeper penetration of the WOW fusion.

3.WOW Fusion

With a combination of amino acids, peptides, multivitamins, hyaluronic acid and minerals a unique skincare cocktail is designed tailored to you and your skin. This is delivered into the skin via a cluster of 20 0.06mm needles that are as fine as human hair, with a stamping motion on the skin. By delivering these active ingredients to where your skin needs them allows them to work at a cellular level, setting aside this treatment to all the rest.

4.LED Light Therapy
LED light therapy has long been used and hailed upon for its ability to stimulate collagen and elastin, increase healing and improve skins acne, pigmentation and sun damage. The mask is laid over the face as the LED lights emit their professional-strength treatment to the skin.

5.WOW Mask

The WOW mask is a super strength hyaluronic acid, collagen, Argireline and RMCP complex. This cult beauty classic is behind the very basics of the WOW facial, famous for reducing wrinkles and lines and surcharging the skin with hydration, stem cells and peptides. This step is an absolute must-have!

  • Finish, Protect and WOW
    To end this luxurious 75-minute facial your skin is treated and protected, leaving a soft dewy complexion. Your practitioner will choose the right serums for your skin, not forgetting the final touch of the ever-important SPF!


To book your WOW facial call the clinic today on 01296 614441 or you can book online by visiting www.karmahouse.co.uk




WOW facial only £149
*offer ends 31.12.19. Usual RRP £199



IPL Hair Removal

IPL Hair Removal

If you are fed-up of managing your body hair and would like to remove it permanently, then IPL hair removal could be the answer. Unwanted facial hair and body hair can affect the way we feel, our social interactions, what we wear and what we do. At Karma House Clinic we make use of the unique and innovative IPL M22 for great results in making your body stay hair free.  This process can be carried out on both men and women who are fed up with unwanted body hair, as well as those who are either starting, in the process, or at the end of transitioning. This treatment is quick and effective and is often referred to as laser hair removal.

What does IPL mean?
IPL stands for intense pulsed light, and it is a form of light therapy, used for various dermatological procedures, including hair removal. IPL works by emitting a wavelength into the skin, which in the case of hair removal targets pigment.

“IPL works like a flash-lamp, sending out scattered wavelengths of light, making IPL very targeted.”

How IPL hair removal works
The machine has a unique dual phase pulse which is designed to provide efficient destruction of hair follicles. It removes hair by sending out high energy light pulses. There are two beams of light, one yellow and one red, which together affect both the existing hair and the follicles where hair grows.

IPL hair removal, also known as laser hair removal, works best at removing hair when it’s in the active growth phase. The way hair grows is slightly different for everyone, so we tailor our treatment to suit you.  Our methods are proven and safe.  All hair removal is carried out by our highly expert Practitioners who are committed to providing you with the very highest levels of service.

IPL can be used for:

  • Hair Removal
  • Thread Vein Removal
  • Treatment for Hyperpigmentation
  • Sun Damaged Skin
  • Acne Skin
  • Acne Scarring
  • Skin Rejuvenation
  • Anti-Ageing

Your initial consultation
If you decide you want to find out more, the next step is to come in for a Free Consultation. This is your opportunity to meet one of our highly trained Practitioners, ask any questions you might have and discuss what you want to achieve from your hair removal treatments. The Practitioner will determine your skin type and the kind of hair you have and make sure the IPL treatment is right for you. Then they’ll create a treatment programme tailored specifically to your needs. A patch test will also be performed. This is to determine how sensitive your skin and also to establish the right IPL energy settings. You will also be advised not to expose the treatment area to the sun or any UV light for at least four weeks before or after your treatment.

Your IPL treatment
The hair removal procedure itself is very straightforward. You’ll lie on a bed and make yourself comfortable. As a safety measure, you’ll be asked to wear some eye protection, which the Practitioner will also wear. The Practitioner runs the equipment, a small handheld unit, slowly over the specified area. You might feel a slight burning and tingling sensation, this isn’t painful and is often referred to an elastic-band ping!

Afterwards we’ll apply cooling gel to the area to minimise any discomfort. Treatment times vary depending on the person and the area being treated. Depending on what treatment you’re having, the procedure can be as brief as fifteen minutes. One of our top tips is to apply Aloe Vera to the treated area to keep it cool and we will do this for you while you are with us, although you can do this yourself at home too.

How many sessions will I need
Normally six to eight treatment sessions are needed to provide a permanent reduction of hair growth. This is because at any given time some of the follicles in the treatment area won’t be in the growth phase. We spread our treatments out to make sure that hair that isn’t treated in one session is affected in the next. Facial hair tends to be more stubborn and may need ten to twelve treatment sessions or occasionally more in very resistant cases.

The gap between sessions is usually four weeks for facial areas and six weeks for body areas. The number of hair removal sessions depends on various factors, including where the hair is, how thick it is and also your particular skin type and hair colour. For the best results we recommend that you complete the full series of treatment sessions.

After IPL hair removal
For the first few days after your treatment you should apply aloe vera gel to soothe the affected area. A sun-cream of at least SPF40 should be applied to exposed treated areas every day for at least four weeks, regardless of the weather. You should not expose the treated area to the sun or use sun beds for at least four weeks before and after treatment.

Book a Free Consultation now at Karma House Clinic by calling our friendly reception team on 01296 614441 or alternatively you can book online.